Monday, May 24, 2010

Three years later...

...and much has changed. Then again, much hasn't. At the beginning of this new year and new decade, I decided to live a more authentic life. But first, there's the matter of a VERY IMPORTANT addition to our family: Willow Kathryn Nichols, born to JP and Marianne on October 7, 2009. She is truly a bundle of joy, as Cal would say.

Little did I know that living a "more authentic life" would bring about a redefined primary relationship for Dan and me. We have been living in separate spaces since mid-January and my life has vastly improved since. No more fights! No more drama! It's amazing. I have more energy for gardening, get up much earlier, and even arrive at work early...consistently.

At the time of our new arrangement, I was awash with feelings of fear. Would I survive? It became clearer and clearer that I would not just survive, I would thrive. At times I knew God was very near, reassuring me with unbounded love and confidence, for which I am forever grateful. My emotional strength has grown, and the loving feelings for Dan have returned with this much needed space. Before the change I often despised myself for bitter thoughts and unkind words - all that is GONE GONE GONE....hallelujah.

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